A computer programming of SIMPLE algorithm based on triangle unstructured grid
Received:July 18, 2014  Revised:October 30, 2014
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KeyWord:SIMPLE algorithm  computer programming  self-defined variable  FORTRAN  unstructured grid
刘波 天津大学 化工学院, 天津
李忠媛 天津大学 化工学院, 天津 ;北洋国家精馏技术工程发展有限公司, 天津 ;天津化学化工协同创新中心, 天津
张涛 北洋国家精馏技术工程发展有限公司, 天津
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      A computer programming of SIMPLE (Semi-Implicit Method for Pressure Linked Equations) algorithm based on triangle unstructured grid was developed in order to lucubrate the basic algorithm associated with fluid flow.Self-defined variables were employed for storing element and interface information according to the feature of the FORTRAN language.Pointers which point to adjacent elements and interfaces were also defined within these variables.By reading the topological information from the grid files,the essential data structure for programming could be constructed.Thus,storing the topological information by arrays could be avoided.The readability,extendability and the potential of secondary development were largely improved.The program developed in this paper performed well and gave accurate and reasonable results compared to the physical reality when it was tested by several numerical examples such as lid-driven cavity flow,backward facing step flow and laminar flow passing a cylinder.On this basis,three dimensional computer program with higher application value could be developed.