An interval inverse solution method based on Taylor series expansion
Received:November 16, 2014  Revised:December 30, 2014
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KeyWord:interval inverse solution  identification of interval parameters  Taylor series expansion  interval overestimation  steel plates
方圣恩 福州大学 土木工程学院, 福州
张秋虎 合肥工业大学 土木与水利工程学院, 合肥
林友勤 福州大学 土木工程学院, 福州
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      The geometric and material parameters of real-world structures always contain uncertainties.Sometimes such uncertainties should be quantified when precise analyses of structural computational models are required.An inverse problem for identifying interval parameters has been developed in this study.The relationships of mid-values and radii between interval parameters and responses were first established using Taylor series expansion.Then two inverse problems were formed to identify the mid-values and radii of parameters in a successive way.By this means the phenomenon of interval overestimation was maximally avoided and the process of inverse optimization was highly simplified.The proposed method has firstly been verified against a numerical mass-spring system.Subsequently using the measured modal data of a set of steel plates,the intervals of the geometric and material parameters of the plates were identified.The analysis results demonstrate that the method provides satisfactory accuracy and precision in solving interval inverse problems.Interval overestimation can be effectively restrained.Therefore,the method can be applied to solving practical engineering problems having interval uncertainties.