Concurrent optimization for structure topology and its periodic multiphase materials micro distribution
Received:September 05, 2014  Revised:December 08, 2014
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KeyWord:multi-scale  homogenization method  concurrent optimization  periodic multiphase composite materials  material interpolation scheme
王宪杰 云南大学 城市建设与管理学院, 昆明
张洵安 西北工业大学 力学与土木建筑学院, 西安
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      Considering the mutual coordination between the role of micro-scale and macro-scale,the structure-material concurrent optimization method is established based on the traditional BESO method.The elasticity tensor of the heterogeneous material is obtained from the microstructure through the homogenization theory,and this property is integrated into the analysis of the macrostructure.And the constituent phases are categorized into some groups and sensitivity analyses are performed to assess the contribution of elements within each group.Here,the sensitivity for the material unit cell is established from the macrostructure displacement field,so the creating novel material properties are determined by the special macrostructure and its given boundary conditions.At the same time,the material properties for the macrostructure are getting from the material unit cell.So the unified properties are setting up between micro and macro level.Several numerical examples are presented to validate the proposed optimization algorithm can be used to design periodic multiphase composite materials and macrostructure optimization.And the identification of the phases' boundaries and convergence speed are also demon-strated.