A discrete element simulation of high-speed railway ballast vibration
Received:August 15, 2014  Revised:May 21, 2015
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KeyWord:high-speed railway  ballast track  discrete element method  dynamic response  vehicle-track coupled dynamics
赵春发 西南交通大学 牵引动力国家重点实验室, 成都
张徐 西南交通大学 牵引动力国家重点实验室, 成都
翟婉明 西南交通大学 牵引动力国家重点实验室, 成都
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      Ballast vibration has remarkable impact on its wear,breakage and the ballast bed cumulative deformation.In order to reveal dynamic response characteristics of railway ballasts under the high-speed vehicle moving loads,firstly,a ballasted track discrete element model was built,and the input loads was obtained from railway vehicle-track coupled dynamic simulation.Then,vibration responses of the sleepers and ballast particles were calculated considering various vehicle travel speeds,meanwhile,the discrete element simulated results were compared to those of the railway vehicle-track coupled dynamics.Numerical results show that the vibration displacement responses of the sleepers,the ballast particles and the ballast-bed blocks present similar curve shape;the corresponding displacement amplitudes decrease gradually along the track depth direction.The vibration displacement of the ballast-bed block is very close to that of the ballast particle 0.3 m below the sleeper bottom.The vibration velocities and accelerations of the sleepers,the ballast-bed blocks increase with the vehicle travel speed,but the ballast vibration acceleration occurs unpredicted change due to the complex interplay among the ballast particles.The ballast discrete element model can reflect reasonably the particle vibration characteristics,while the ballast-bed block model does embody the force transfer and vibration attenuation characteristics of the ballasted track structure,so the calculation results from both models are consistent with each other.