Improved sub-model analysis based on cut-boundary of multiple interpolation
Received:June 23, 2014  Revised:September 06, 2014
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KeyWord:multiple interpolation  cut-boundary  sub-model  improved method
崔磊 浙江大学 宁波理工学院, 宁波 ;浙江大学 结构工程研究所, 杭州
毛江鸿 浙江大学 宁波理工学院, 宁波
金伟良 浙江大学 宁波理工学院, 宁波 ;浙江大学 结构工程研究所, 杭州
李立新 浙江大学 宁波理工学院, 宁波
徐龙坤 浙江大学 结构工程研究所, 杭州 ;中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司, 成都
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      Traditional sub-model technique using for finite element analysis of structures can improve the calculation accuracy and get the exact solutions of local model.However,the technique is only applicable to the model of the body element and shell element in cut-boundary.The significant errors will be caused when other types elements in the cut-boundary.In this paper,traditional sub-model technique and the existing problems were analyzed in detail.The multiple interpolation method and improved multiple interpolation method were proposed and applied to the analysis on the global model and sub model of deepwater tension leg platform.The calculation accuracy of traditional interpolation method,multiple interpolation method and improved multiple interpolation method were investigated.The result show that,compared with the traditional interpolation method,multiple interpolation method has higher calculation accuracy;the error decreases and tends to be stable with the increase of internal and external cut-boundary distance.Improved multiple interpolation method can be satisfied with the condition of the beam element in the cut-boundary and improve the calculation accuracy when the internal and external cut-boundary distance is small,which broaden the application of sub-model technique.