Numerical simulation on vortex evolution of airflow in realistic human upper respiratory tract under the effect of fluid-solid interaction
Received:March 20, 2014  Revised:May 04, 2014
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KeyWord:human upper respiratory tract  airflow  fluid-solid interaction  vortex evolution  numerical simulation
徐新喜 军事医学科学院 卫生装备研究所 国家生物防护装备工程技术研究中心, 天津
孙栋 总后军事交通运输研究所, 天津
李福生 中国人民解放军第291医院, 包头
赵秀国 军事医学科学院 卫生装备研究所 国家生物防护装备工程技术研究中心, 天津
刘亚军 军事医学科学院 卫生装备研究所 国家生物防护装备工程技术研究中心, 天津
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      The airflow in human upper respiratory tract was simulated by using large eddy simulation method with 3D standardized model of realistic human upper respiratory tract under the effect of fluid-solid interaction and cyclic respiratory pattern,and the vortex evolution of airflow in human mouth-throat as well as trachea and bronchi was analyzied.The results show that several vortex tubes are formed in the central of mouth and on the surface of tongue coating,a turbulence jet ejected towards to the anterior wall of the trachea appears in the glottal regional,the horseshoe vortexe which is similar to horseshoe appears on the anterior wall of the trachea in the phase of inhalation;In the phase of exhalation,the complex vortex structure appears on the bottom of the trachea,the vorticity in the trachea decreases and only a stronger vortex tube extends along the trachea with the airflow streams converging,and arch vortex is formed on the posterior wall of throat,then the vortex structure breaks up and there is no big vortex structure in the mouth.