Regularized boundary integral equations for thermoelastic problems
Received:February 04, 2014  Revised:October 03, 2014
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KeyWord:BEM  thermoelastic problem  thermal stress  indirect boundary integral equation
孙芳玲 山东理工大学 理学院, 淄博
张耀明 山东理工大学 理学院, 淄博 ;大连理工大学 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室, 大连
高效伟 大连理工大学 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室, 大连
董丽 山东理工大学 理学院, 淄博
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      This paper is mainly devoted to the research on the regularization of indirect BEM for two-dimensional thermoelastic problems.The regularized boundary integral equations (BIEs) with indirect unknowns,which don't involve the direct calculation of singular integrals,are established.Up to now,the universal researches for thermoelastic problems are focused on the direct BEM.Compared with these existing methods,the proposed algorithm has many advantages: (1) the C1,α continuity requirement for density function in the direct formulation can be relaxed to the C0,α continuity in the presented formulation; (2) the proposed method is easy to implement and more suitable for solving the thin body problems because the solution process doesn't involve the HFP integrals and nearly HFP integrals,so regularized algorithms of integrals are generally more effective and implementary; (3) the proposed regularized BIEs can be used for the calculation of the displacement gradients and stresses on the boun-dary,and but not limited to the tractions.Furthermore,they are independent of the displacement BIEs; (4) the domain integrals for thermal loads in the displacement gradient equations only involve the weak singularity.A systematic approach for implementing numerical solutions is presented by adopting the exact elements to depict the boundary geometry and discontinuous interpolating function to approximate the boundary quantities.Some benchmark examples show that a good precision and high computational efficiency can be achieved by the present method.