Multiscale mixed finite element numerical simulation for fractured-vuggy reservoir based on DFVN model
Received:April 19, 2014  Revised:September 25, 2014
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KeyWord:reservoir numerical simulation  multiscale mixed finite element method  fracture-vug  multiple scale
张娜 中国石油大学 储运与建筑工程学院, 青岛 ;中国石油大学 石油工程学院, 青岛
姚军 中国石油大学 石油工程学院, 青岛
黄朝琴 中国石油大学 石油工程学院, 青岛
王月英 中国石油大学 石油工程学院, 青岛
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      Multiscale Mixed Finite element method(MsMFEM) has been applied to the numerical simulation of single phase flow in fractured-vuggy porous media in this paper and Darcy/Stokes-Brinkman model is developed,in which Darcy model is approximated as pressure and fluxes on a coarse grid and Stokes-Brinkman model captures fine-scale effects.The fundamental theory of MsMFEM was explicitly described,and then the multiscale calculating formulas were deduced.The method is applied to two different test cases.The test cases demonstrate that MsMFEM can capture fine-sclae features; it is better not only in calculation speed but also in accuracy ,and valid for fractured-vuggy reservoirs.