Numerical simulation under disturbance wind and its flow control of flow field of micro rotary-wings
Received:December 30, 2013  Revised:May 08, 2014
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KeyWord:the sinusoidal disturbant wind  micro rotary-wings  the moving overlapped grid technology  dual-time stepping method  flow control
赵贺 上海市应用数学和力学研究所, 上海
李孝伟 上海市应用数学和力学研究所, 上海
李亮 上海市应用数学和力学研究所, 上海
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      The disturbant wind has much effect on the flow field of micro rotary-wings under the low Reynolds number condition.In this paper,using the numerical simulation method (the moving overlapped grid technology and dual-time stepping method) to study the aerodynamic performance of the dimensional airfoil under the disturbance wind environment,by taking the movement form of the rotor deformation to control and search the flow with the disturbant wind.The study showed that: (a) Under the periodic disturbant wind,the fitting curve of the rotor tension response curve and the disturbant wind function form have the same cyclical trend,the fluctuation amplitude and the perturbation wind amplitude is the proportional relationship.(b) To the rotor model in different flight condition,taking the movement form of the cycle equiangular pitch,there will be able to find a suitable control parameter,which makes the fluctuation of the rotor tension in the disturbant wind to be effectively suppressed within a certain range.