Analysis of aerodynamic performance of wind turbine blades based on vortex methods
Received:April 27, 2014  Revised:August 28, 2014
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KeyWord:horizontal axis wind turbine  vortex methods  wake model  aerodynamic performance
刘燕 华北电力大学 能源动力与机械工程学院, 北京
李少华 中国大唐集团科学技术研究院, 北京
岳巍澎 华北电力大学 能源动力与机械工程学院, 北京
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      This paper developed a design and analysis procedure for rotor blades,based on vortex methods.This procedure is applied to calculate the vortex location,thrust coefficient,power coefficient and induced velocity distribution in different conditions,used fixed pitch model and free wake model to optimize the design of the aerodynamic analysis.The results show that vortex methods are able to calculate aerodynamic performance parameters quickly and accurately.The fix pitch model can greatly reduce the time of the early design of wind turbine blades.