Finite volume method for hydraulic transient simulation of batching pipeline
Received:May 22, 2014  Revised:August 23, 2014
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KeyWord:batching pipeline  hydraulic transient  finite volume method  Rieman solver  MUSCL-type scheme
郑劼恒 解放军后勤工程学院 军事供油工程系, 重庆
蒋明 解放军后勤工程学院 军事供油工程系, 重庆 ;国家救灾应急装备工程技术研究中心, 重庆
郭芮 解放军后勤工程学院 军事供油工程系, 重庆
李国栋 解放军后勤工程学院 军事供油工程系, 重庆
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      To minimize the interpolating errors,a finite volume method is proposed in this paper concer-ning the discontinuity of the transportation media in batching,which is an alternative for the traditional MOC.Firstly,a finite volume,pressure-velocity based nonconservative scheme is derived from the tran-sient flow model of batching pipeline.The Rieman solvers are used for calculating the state in the interface of a control volume in the scheme.Then a MUSCL-Hancock Primitive method,which is TVD and second-order accurate both in space and time,is introduced in the process of reconstruction of the interface state and time evolution.In dealing with the boundary conditions,the method of Rieman invariants and the construction of the virtual boundary are combined,which is also second-order accurate.Finally,through comparing the results of numerical calculation with that of the experiments,it is proved that the method proposed by this paper can effectively inhibit the nonphysical oscillations and is characterized by high precision and robustness.