ESO method based on a kind of dynamic deletion rate
Received:January 06, 2014  Revised:March 23, 2014
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KeyWord:ESO  element deletion number  strategy for element deletion  dynamic deletion rate
罗静 重庆大学 机械工程学院, 重庆
张大可 重庆大学 机械工程学院, 重庆
李海军 重庆大学 机械工程学院, 重庆
龚姣 重庆大学 机械工程学院, 重庆
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      The main idea of the evolutionary structural optimization ESO method is that the invalid element gradually be removed from the structure based on the element sensitivity, and so the topology optimization result is formed.The element deletion number in the original ESO algorithm is decided by the value of rejection ration(RR), and the designer cannot expect the element deletion number every iteration.For an initial full design area, a reasonable strategy for element deletion should gradually reduce the number of element deletion as the iteration proceeds, while the structural stress distribution is more uniform.Based on this, this paper constructs a dynamic deletion rate, the element deletion number gradually reduce as the iteration proceeds.It is more simple, and has less controlled parameters relative to the previous dynamic deletion rates.Through the examples it shows that the method can get slightly a better optimization effect compared with the original deletion strategies.