Multiple target optimal intervention using particle swarm optimization in molecular network
Received:November 06, 2013  Revised:March 05, 2014
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KeyWord:multiple targets screening  Arachidonic acid inflammation metabolic network  parallel particle swarm optimization  disease-related molecular network
周福家 大连理工大学 数学科学学院, 大连
张宏伟 大连理工大学 数学科学学院, 大连
李卫国 大连理工大学 数学科学学院, 大连
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      The therapy of disease-related molecular network is usually based on the multiple target drug therapy.The multiple target drug therapy can be divided into two steps.First,filtering the potential drug targets.Second,making use of them to compose,in order to find the effective inhibition scheme.However,the present algorithm takes too much time.This article used the Arachidonic acid inflammation metabolic network as a concrete example,and also used the improved parallel particle swarm optimization to optimize the multiple targets.As a result,it can not only compose the drug targets effectively,but also save more time than the present algorithm according to the number of processes.