An automated approach to 3D surface mesh generation
Received:December 18, 2013  Revised:March 14, 2013
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KeyWord:mesh generation  domain decomposition method  surface mesh  quadrilateral mesh  triangle mesh
马新武 山东大学 材料液固结构演变与加工教育部重点实验室, 济南
赵国群 山东大学 材料液固结构演变与加工教育部重点实验室, 济南
王芳 山东建筑大学 机电工程学院, 济南
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      This paper presents an improved domain decomposition method for 3-dimensional triangular and quadrilateral surface mesh generation.The key techniques used in this method include the establishment of the topology of triangular facets, the facet grouping and determination of the feature face, the node generation along spatial curve, the boundary merging of the domain, the determination of best splitting line and the mesh smoothing, etc.The detail introduction of these techniques is given in this paper.The proposal method in the paper is reliable and efficient for surface mesh generation with high mesh quality. The examples of surface mesh generation are also given to demonstrate the robustness of the method.