Numerical simulation of three dimensional complex flows with RKDG method
Received:December 02, 2013  Revised:March 15, 2014
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KeyWord:three dimensional  complex flows  Euler equations  RKDG method  numerical simulation
田俊武 中国航天空气动力技术研究院, 北京
袁湘江 中国航天空气动力技术研究院, 北京
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      The 3rd order accurate Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin (RKDG) method is developed to simulate three dimensional complex flows,such as three dimensional forward step problem,three dimensional Riemann problem and ball Riemann problem.Numerical results show that RKDG method can capture shocks and contact discontinuities in few grid points successfully.Furthermore,the pressure distribution of z=0.4 plane in ball Riemann problem agrees well with the result in the reference by refined grids.This suggested that the RKDG method developed in this paper is not only able to qualitatively describe three-dimensional complex flows,but also can be used in quantitative three-dimensional complex flow field calculations.