Finite element coupling equations based on energy-balance theory
Received:December 21, 2013  Revised:April 08, 2014
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KeyWord:energy-balance theory  element coupling equations  entire damage process analysis  in-situ pushover test
岳健广 南京工业大学 土木工程学院, 南京
钱江 同济大学 土木工程防灾国家重点实验室, 上海
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      In order to analyze the entire damage process of structures, nonlinear numerical calculation and analysis should reflect the damage details of the local regions.For the same member, the different simulation methods come from the different special scales of the damage details and global member could be realized by the finite element coupling equations.Based on the energy-balance theory, the coupling equations for the beam element to solid elements, beam element to shell elements and shell elements to solid elements are established.Those coupling equations are available for the damage numerical calculation.The simulation for one in-situ pushover test of RC frame structure shows that the element coupling model could reflect correctly the structural bearing capacity and deformation behavior and the damage details.