Numerical solution and mechanical modeling of the intermesh for continuous straightening a thin-walled tube in plane stress
Received:July 25, 2013  Revised:September 25, 2013
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KeyWord:thin-walled tube  straightening  straightening intermesh  mathematical model  plane stress
张子骞 东北大学 机械工程与自动化学院, 沈阳
颜云辉 东北大学 机械工程与自动化学院, 沈阳
杨会林 东北大学 机械工程与自动化学院, 沈阳
王雷 东北大学 机械工程与自动化学院, 沈阳
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      The straightening intermesh as the main straightening technical parameter, decides the precision for continuous straightening thin-walled tubes, however, it is usually carried out based on the experiential data and chart by skilled laborers, whose art is based on experience and experiments, the special mathematical model of the straightening intermesh is immediately necessary.Therefore, firstly, a new simplified cantilever unit model for calculating the intermesh is presented based on the structural features of the thin-walled tube and the multi-roll straightener, and then the bending-moment of the cross section in plane stress is subsequently obtained in the elastic zone and also in the elastic-plastic zone based on the elastic-plastic theory and relevant hypothesis.Finally, the mechanical model of the straightening intermesh is presented using the principle of virtual work, and it is also shown how to solve by numerical method and how to develop calculating program synchronously.In order to certify whether the model is correct, we have done some dynamic simulations by FEA, the results have shown that it is correct and suitable, so a series of technical parameter curves can be plotted by the datum calculated with the program, which can indicate the relationships between the intermesh, the bending-radius of the tube axis and the diameter, the wall thickness, the yield stress of the tube.It can provide the theoretical basis for adjusting the straightening intermeshes for the local production.