Guide-weight method for structural topology optimization
Received:October 28, 2013  Revised:November 18, 2013
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KeyWord:topology optimization  Guide-weight method  truss structure  continuum structure  SIMP
陈树勋 广西大学 机械工程学院, 南宁
韦齐峰 广西大学 土木建筑工程学院, 南宁
黄锦成 广西大学 机械工程学院, 南宁
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      The basic theory of Guide-weight method is introduced and applied in solving topology optimization of continuum structures and truss structures.For structural topology optimization problems of performance optimization with a single weight constraint and structural weight minimization with multiple performance constraints, a new canonical formula combined Guide-weight method with SIMP(Solid Isotropic Microstructure with Penalization) method is presented.And corresponding numerical examples are carried out.Results of examples show that Guide-weight method is available for traditional structural size and shape optimization, and for topology optimization, and the combined method takes advantages of simple formula, broad generality, fast convergence and excellent result.