Theoretical analysis on the composite compressive stiffness for PVC-FRP confined concrete column
Received:January 04, 2014  Revised:February 20, 2014
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KeyWord:PVC-FRP confined concrete column  composite compressive stiffness  variation principle  hooping mechanism coefficient  volume-fiber ratio  Poisson's ratio
于峰 安徽工业大学 建筑工程学院, 马鞍山
徐国士 安徽工业大学 建筑工程学院, 马鞍山
程安春 安徽工业大学 建筑工程学院, 马鞍山
黎德光 安徽工业大学 建筑工程学院, 马鞍山
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      To study the composite compressive stiffness of PVC-FRP confined concrete column,by means of the displacement variation principle of elasticity,the elasticity theory analysis of infinitesimal deformation was performed for PVC-FRP confined reinforced concrete column.Based on the compatibility of radial displacement and longitudinal strain,theoretic formulas of the compressive stiffness of PVC-FRP tube and core concrete,the hooping mechanism coefficient of PVC-FRP tube to core concrete were gained.The composite compressive stiffness calculation theory of PVC-FRP confined concrete column was derived on this basis.The influence law of the CFRP strips volume-fiber ratio,core concrete Poisson's ratio and concrete strength on the composite compressive stiffness were discussed.The calculated values of the proposed formula agree well with the experimental results.