Weighted least squares method for solving Rayleigh damping coefficients
Received:September 02, 2013  Revised:October 25, 2013
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KeyWord:seismic response  Rayleigh damping  weighted least squares method  optimization analysis  displacement response spectrum
潘旦光 北京科技大学 土木工程系, 北京
高莉莉 北京科技大学 土木工程系, 北京
李小翠 北京科技大学 土木工程系, 北京
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      During the seismic response analysis,an optimization method is developed to overcome the problem on selection of two reasonable reference frequencies for the calculation of Rayleigh damping coefficients.In the method,based on response spectral analysis,an objective function is established by minimizing an error term of the peak displacement of a structure.After approximating the displacement response spectrum to its first-order Taylor's series,the objective function is simplified as a weighted least squares equation.Then,the effects of both mode numbers and exact damping model on the evaluation of Rayleigh damping coefficients are investigated with a frame structure,and are compared with traditional method,least squares method,weighted least squares method based on multi-reference modes.Numerical results show that the least squares method is not a reasonable method to evaluate Rayleigh damping coefficients due to neglecting the effect of mode contribution.The proposed method would obtain stability Rayleigh damping coefficients when the mode numbers cover accumulated modal participating mass more than 90%,and make dynamic response results accuracy.