Mesh quality improvement for centrifugal pump based on OPS and topological swapping
Received:September 13, 2013  Revised:November 13, 2013
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KeyWord:full-boundary element  Optimization-based smoothing  topological exchange  centrifugal pump
董亮 江苏大学 流体机械工程技术研究中心, 镇江
代翠 江苏大学 流体机械工程技术研究中心, 镇江
张彦明 安徽三联泵业股份有限公司, 马鞍山
唐晓晨 江苏振华泵业制造有限公司, 泰州
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      A mesh quality improvement strategy combining OPS and topological optimization was firstly putted forward to overcome the existing defect that can't improve bad elements with all their vertices on the boundary in OPS.According to the sharing form of edge (or face) and its adjacent element,the approach applied different topological optimization methods.The topological correlation of mesh after optimization rather than the element quality in connected region was considered.In this way,this kind of element was transformed into non-full-boundary element.Examples show that the approach shows better advantage in boundary and whole mesh quality than OPS.Numerical results show that comparing with Freitag algorithm,the proposed algorithm is more successful in eliminating poor dihedral angles at both extremes.And the combined algorithm shows better advantage on boundary and entire quality improvement for centrifugal pump over OPS.