Numerical simulation of wave refraction-diffraction over the large-scale region on unstructured meshes
Received:May 30, 2013  Revised:June 12, 2013
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KeyWord:wave transformation  large-scale  unstructured meshes  refraction  diffraction
王平 国家海洋环境监测中心, 大连
张宁川 大连理工大学 海岸和近海工程国家重点实验室, 大连
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      Using finite-volume method on unstructured meshes,a new numerical model was built based on the discretization and numerical solution of the wave action balance equation and the eikonal equation derived from the extended mild-slope equation,which was fit to simulate wave diffraction over the large-scale nearshore region.The model spatial resolution was independent of the wavelength,and provided great flexibility for modeling the wave in complex geomorphology with complicated boundary using the unstructured meshes.This solution was verified by three idealized benchmark test as the Snell law,the wave transformation over a vertical breakwater and the wave distortion on circular shoal.Results demonstrated that the present model could provide better predictions of wave refraction and diffraction over the large-scale nearshore region with complicated boundaries.