Nonlinear finite element simulation on membrane-cable system of parachute
Received:May 24, 2013  Revised:December 05, 2013
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KeyWord:membrane element  cable element  nonlinear finite element  wrinkling  parachute
樊玉新 南京航空航天大学 航空宇航学院, 南京
夏健 南京航空航天大学 航空宇航学院, 南京
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      A membrane-cable tension structure is presented in this paper to represent the three dimen-sional parachute system and simulate the parachute opening process.The combined incremental/iterative method based on the total Lagrangian scheme is adopted here to develop a nonlinear finite element analysis code.The fully implicit HHT method is applied to integrate nonlinear dynamic equations and improve the convergence speed.Membrane wrinkling phenomena are also accounted for by modifying the geometrical deformation tensor.The nonlinear finite element algorithms for membrane and cable are tested respectively and compared with former literature.Finally,the opening dynamic behavior of a C-9 parachute structural model is simulated by prescribing the constant pressure loading according to the air speed.The final results show agreement with the solutions provided by commercial software in former literature which used different methods.This example demonstrates the ability of this to simulate parachute large deformation problem.