A rapid solution method for projected immersed boundary method
Received:June 30, 2013  Revised:November 18, 2013
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KeyWord:fluid-structure interaction  projected immersed boundary method  pressure Poisson equation  numerical simulation  flow over circular cylinder
王文全 昆明理工大学 工程力学系, 昆明
李伟忠 昆明理工大学 工程力学系, 昆明
闫妍 昆明理工大学 工程力学系, 昆明
梁林 昆明理工大学 工程力学系, 昆明
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      According to the solving step of projected immersed boundary method,after the Poisson equation is discretized,due to the no singularity and the asymmetry of the large sparse linear equation set,the open function library UMFPACK is used for fast solving.When transferring the coefficient matrix and the right end vector,the function library Eigen to optimize the data structure is adapted,which decreases the storage space,finally realize the fast solving and meantime keep the robustness.Firstly,the reliability of solving the pressure Poisson equation is validated by the basic numerical example.Then,according to the numerical method,the corresponding numerical computational program is written by C++ language.The reliability of solving the governing equation of projection immersed boundary method is validated by the basic numerical example of flow over circular cylinder compared with results of other literatures.Finally,the distributions of streamline and the vortex structures are analyzed in different Reynolds numbers.