Lagrangian high order cell-centered conservative scheme
Received:July 06, 2013  Revised:November 23, 2013
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KeyWord:a sub-cell force  a Lagrange cell-centered conservative scheme  a Lagrange high order cell-centered conservative scheme  high order piecewise pressure of cell
葛全文 北京应用物理与计算数学研究所, 北京
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      It presents Lagrangian high order cell-centered conservative gas dynamics scheme.The high order piecewise pressure of cell arising from the current time the sub cell density and the current time the isentropic speed of sound of cell are introudced.Using high order piecewise pressure of cell,the high order spatial discretization fluxes are constructed by means of weighted essentially non-oscillatory method.The time discretization of the spatial fluxes performed by means of the Taylor expansions of the spatial discretization fluxes centered in time.The vertex velocities and the numerical fluxes through the cell interfaces are evaluated in a consistent manner due to an original solver located at the nodes by means of momentum conservation.A Lagrangian high order cell-centered conservative gas dynamics scheme is constructed.Many numerical tests are presented.They demonstrate the robustness and the accuracy of new scheme.