A hierarchical computing approach for the massively parallel structural dynamic analysis
Received:March 23, 2014  Revised:June 03, 2014
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KeyWord:parallel computing  finite element analysis  dynamic analysis  distributed memory parallel computer
苗新强 上海交通大学 机械系统与振动国家重点实验室, 上海 ;上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院, 上海
金先龙 上海交通大学 机械系统与振动国家重点实验室, 上海 ;上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院, 上海
丁峻宏 上海超级计算中心, 上海
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      It provides a powerful computational tool for the massively parallel structural dynamic analysis with the rise of the multi-core distributed memory supercomputer.According to the characteristics of the distributed computing environment,a hierarchical computing approach for the massively parallel structural dynamic analysis is proposed.The proposed approach is based on the conventional domain decomposition method for implicit dynamic analysis and utilizes the strategies of two-level partitioning and twice condensation to complete the solution.It not only efficiently improves the convergence rate of interface equations by further reducing the problem size,but also significantly improves the communication efficiency with three-layer parallel computing.The proposed approach does not introduce any approximation for the finite element model.Therefore,it belongs to the exact hierarchical computing method based on domain decomposition method for dynamic analysis.Typical numerical experiments show that the computational accuracy of the proposed approach is equivalent with the full method of the commercial software ANSYS.Compared with the conventional domain decomposition method,the proposed approach is superior in the performance of parallel computing.