The difference-inversion algorithm for concrete humidity field based on the genetic evolution
Received:June 09, 2013  Revised:November 23, 2013
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KeyWord:difference algorithm  humidity field  inversion model  genetic evolution
马跃先 郑州大学 水利与环境学院, 郑州
邓旭 国家知识产权局专利局 专利审查协作河南中心, 郑州
黄河 郑州大学 水利与环境学院, 郑州
王桂玉 郑州大学 水利与环境学院, 郑州
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      This paper builds difference inversion model for concrete humidity and uses genetic algorithm to optimize the solution.Based on the concrete humidity diffusion equation,the difference algorithm of interior and boundary is established and it is used to solve the specific instance.Aimed at the poor agreement of experienced parameter calculation results with the measured ones,a difference-inversion model based on the measured data is proposed.Using the genetic algorithm to optimize the model,the result has good agreement with experimental data.According to the measured results,this algorithm can obtain the actual distribution of the humidity field,and also has a certain reference function to similar problems.