Formula derivation and CFD simulation validation of selective withdrawal layer thickness for bilinear density distribution of lakes and reservoirs
Received:October 14, 2013  Revised:December 03, 2013
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KeyWord:selective withdrawal  bilinear density distribution  withdrawal layer thickness  FLUENT  simulation validation
卢金锁 西安建筑科技大学 环境与市政工程学院, 西安
郭宪 西安建筑科技大学 环境与市政工程学院, 西安
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      Layer thickness is one of the most important parameters of reservoir selective withdrawal.For the theory of layer thickness under linear density distribution exists the problem of narrow application range,this paper deduced a more prevalent theoretical withdrawal layer thickness formula in practice by using the Bernoulli's equation and building a spherical coordinate system under a bilinear density distribution.CFD model of Jinpen Reservoir water intake structure is built to simulate the withdrawal layer thickness under the bilinear density distribution using the measured longitudinal density distribution.To compare the simulated results and the calculated results,it shows that the comparison of results are consistent in the stable region 20 m away from the water intake while have the same trend within 20 m.Compared with the withdrawal layer thickness formula under single-linear density distribution,the withdrawal layer thickness formula under a bilinear density distribution has a wider range of applications.