Influences of rock content on bearing capability of soil-rock mixture duging pile penetration with discrete element analysis
Received:May 17, 2013  Revised:August 21, 2013
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KeyWord:soil and rock mixture  pile penetration  bearing capability  discrete element model (DEM)  rock content
季顺迎 大连理工大学 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室, 大连
赵金凤 大连理工大学 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室, 大连
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      Soil and rock mixture is a special engineering geological material with the non-homogeneous,non-continuous and non-linear mechanical characteristics.In the penetration process of pile,the rock content has obvious influence on its bearing capacity.In this paper,we use spherical particles to simulate soil material,and irregular overlapped clumps to model the rock rubble with Discrete Element Model (DEM).The bearing capacity of pile is obvious different under various rock contents.The resistance of high rock content is much higher than that of low rock content.Moreover,the fluctuation of resistance during the penetration process is more obvious under high rock content condition.The influence of rock content on bearing capacity of pile is discussed based on the distribution of inter-particle force chains on micro scale.It is effective to analyze the macroscopic mechanical behaviors of soil and rock mixture with discrete element method,especially to determine its mechanical characteristics under complex engineering conditions.