Multi-material ALE method coupled with MOF interface reconstruction in axisymmetric geometry
Received:August 13, 2013  Revised:December 23, 2013
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KeyWord:axisymmetric geometry  MOF interface reconstruction  multi-material ALE  mixed cell
曾清红 北京应用物理与计算数学研究所, 北京
孙文俊 北京应用物理与计算数学研究所, 北京
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      Moment of fluid (MOF) interface reconstruction is extended to axisymmetric geometry,and coupled with multi-material Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (MMALE) method,called MOF-MMALE method.MOF-MMALE method is applied to multi-material large deformation fluid flow problems.The numerical examples show that MOF-MMALE method is an effective way to simulate problems of multi-material and large deformation flow with high accuracy and good interface resolution in axisymmetric geometry.