Dynamic reliability analysis of the coupled Newmark sliding system under stationary random excitation
Received:July 22, 2013  Revised:October 17, 2013
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KeyWord:dynamic reliability  earthquake permanent displacement  sliding displacement  random vibration
邓学晶 中国石油大学华东 工程力学系, 青岛
林倩 中国石油大学华东 工程力学系, 青岛
亓玉成 中国石油大学华东 工程力学系, 青岛
邹德高 大连理工大学 土木水利学院, 大连
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      Based on a discrete representation of the input random process,the dynamic reliability of a coupled Newmark sliding system under stationary excitation is investigated analytically.When the initial sliding of the system induced by stationary excitation is considered,the limit-state function can be expressed as an explicit linear function of n standard normal random variables,and the theoretical solution of reliability index can be obtained.If sliding more than a certain amount of relative displacement is considered as the failure criterion of the system,the limit-state function is expressed as an explicit nonlinear function of n standard normal random variables,and an approximate solution can be gained by using the static reliability methods.Examples show the design point excitation resulting in the initial relative sliding of the system is a harmonic wave with increasing amplitude,and its frequency is equal to the one of the system.There are nonlinear relations between probability values of failure for the system sliding more than a certain displacement and coefficients of friction of the system,and the optimal coefficient of friction which makes the minimum probability of failure can be found.