On optimizing control parameters for suppressing vibration of MSCSS under earthquake excitation
Received:February 06, 2013  Revised:August 07, 2013
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KeyWord:mega-sub controlled structural system (MSCSS)  complex modal theory  dynamic magnification factor(DMF)  optimal parameter settings
蔡婷 西北工业大学 力学与土木建筑学院, 西安
张洵安 西北工业大学 力学与土木建筑学院, 西安
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      Sections 1 and 2 of the full paper explain our application,Their core consists of:(1) Based on the complex modal theory,the expression of the dynamic magnification factor(DMF)about the mega-sub controlled structural system(MSCSS) was derived.We used the dynamic magnification factor(DMF)as structure dynamic response index.(2) According to the change of the DMF in the range of excitation frequency which was close to the structural natural frequency of vibration,it was concluded that different parameter settings (mass ratio,stiffness ratio,additional damping ratio,additional pillar stiffness ratio) about mega structure and sub structure had different influence on the control effectiveness of the MSCSS.The results,Fig.3 to Fig.11,and the analysis preliminarily indicate that the optimal parameter settings can indeed improve significantly the self-absorption of shock of MSCSS.This method is applicable to analysis parameter settings of MSCSS with different number of layers.