Fuzzy adaptive algorithm using backstepping controller for flexible arm space robot based on virtual control force conception
Received:February 08, 2013  Revised:July 10, 2013
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KeyWord:free-floating flexible arm space robot  virtual force  fuzzy basis function  backstepping control  flexible active vibration control  Taylor series expansion
梁捷 福州大学 机械工程及自动化学院, 福州 ;中国空气动力研究与发展中心, 绵阳
陈力 福州大学 机械工程及自动化学院, 福州
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      This paper discusses dynamics modeling, motion trajectory tracking control algorithm design and flexible vibration active suppression of free-floating flexible arm space robot system.We take the method of multibody dynamics modeling and combine with assumed mode method to set up system dynamics model for free-floating flexible arm space robot.Based on said model, and aiming at the situation of system inertial parameter unknown, we propose that rigid motion based on fuzzy basis function network adaptive adjust algorithm using backstepping controller, thus to fulfill coordinated movement of base's attitude of flexible arm space robot and each joint hinge of robot arm.Then order to actively suppress system flexible vibration, the concept of virtual force is been used to structure mixed expected trajectory that reflect both flexible mode and rigid motion trajectory.By transforming original control algorithm, we propose fuzzy adaptive control algorithm using backstepping controller that based on the concept of virtual force.So it not only guarantees the uncertain robustness of previous rigid motion control method against model, but also actively suppresses flexible vibration, thus to improve the tracking performance of trajectory.Theory analysis and numerical simulation example both testify the reliability and availability of this control scheme.