Numerical study on the accuracy of crack tip field by extended finite element method
Received:December 11, 2012  Revised:February 07, 2013
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KeyWord:Extended Finite Element Method(XFEM)  crack  crack tip enrichment  Stress Intensity Factor(SIF)  optimized enrichment size
陈金龙 天津大学 力学系, 天津 ;天津市现代工程力学重点实验室, 天津
战楠 天津大学 力学系, 天津
张晓川 天津商业大学 机械工程学院, 天津
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      Based on concept of partition of unity method, the discontinuity of crack line and the singularity of the crack tip are represented by enrichment functions in extended finite element method.In the middle of crack tip enriched elements and traditional elements, there is a layer of blending elements.When enrich the region of area around the crack tip, the number and the mix ability of blending elements would be enlarged, and the accuracy would be affected.The squared region of crack tip enrichment is proposed in this paper.The results show the stability and higher accuracy than that of single and circle enrichments.For different crack lengths, to represent the singularity of the crack tip, the region of enrichment is different.The optimized sizes are obtained with squared enrichment region in different crack lengths.