Parallel computing for bottom-hole pressure in shale gas reservoirs
Received:January 08, 2013  Revised:March 24, 2013
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KeyWord:shale gas  pseudo-pressure  parallel computing  flow simulation
牛聪 中国科学技术大学 渗流力学实验室 近代力学系, 合肥
黄涛 中国科学技术大学 渗流力学实验室 近代力学系, 合肥
王磊 中国科学技术大学 渗流力学实验室 近代力学系, 合肥
郑海军 中国科学技术大学 渗流力学实验室 近代力学系, 合肥
卢德唐 中国科学技术大学 渗流力学实验室 近代力学系, 合肥
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      Considering the varying permeability and porosity of shale with pressure and of Mixed Gas's high pressure characteristics,flow equations of shale gas were derived and then linearized introducing the pseudo-pressure.Theoretical solutions to the Multiple Hydraulically Fractured Horizontal Well (MHFHW) were presented applying the Newman Product Principle.Finding that the theoretical solution was composed of integral and infinite sum that are highly parallel,an algorithm was proposed basing on GPU-based CUDA computation.Implementation of this algorithm on the platform with Intel i3 540 CPU and NVIDIA GTX 550Ti GPU shows almost 40X speedup,in which way fulfilling the real-time calculation of the bottom-hole pressure of MHFHW.Further,parametric investigation on the obtained results shows that absorption decides the amplitude while diffusion exerts delay on the pressure and derivative curve.