Analysis of nonlinear large deformation of functionally graded material elastic combination curved beam subjected to non-conservative forces
Received:May 07, 2012  Revised:September 20, 2013
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KeyWord:functionally graded material  combination curved elastic beam  geometrical nonlinearity  non-conservative  stretching-bending coupling  shooting method
李清禄 兰州理工大学 理学院, 兰州
李世荣 扬州大学 建筑科学与工程学院, 扬州
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      Based on the assumption of straight normal line of beams and by employing geometrically nonlinear theory for the extensible elastic beams,governing equations of large static deformation of functionally graded material(FGM) combination elastic curved beam subjected to a distributed tangential follower force along the central axis were established.In the mathematical model,not only the effects of the axial elongation and the initial curvature of the FGM curved beam on the deformation were accurately taken into account but the coupling between elongation and bending was considered.By using shooting method,the nonlinear plane bending of a combination curved beam from a straight beam and a quarter semicircle FGM made of metal and ceramic subjected to tangentially distributed follower force along the axial line was analyzed.The equilibrium paths of the deformed FGM curved beams under the different graded index,varying with the load parameter in a large range,are presented,and compared with the properties of metal and ceramic material curved beams.