Numerical simulation of saturated layered soil subjected to inclined seismic wave incidence
Received:March 18, 2013  Revised:May 28, 2013
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KeyWord:Biot's equation  layered saturated soil  seismic wave at inclined incidence  response of seismic wave
张卫平 大连理工大学 港口海岸与近海工程国家重点实验室, 大连
孙昭晨 大连理工大学 港口海岸与近海工程国家重点实验室, 大连
梁书秀 大连理工大学 港口海岸与近海工程国家重点实验室, 大连
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      Based on Biot's two phase poroelastic theory,the stiffness matices of saturated soil is developed in frequency domain and then the dynamic responses for a multi-layered poroelastic soil subjected to earthquake seismic wave at inclined incidence from the bedrock is studied with numerical method,modified Kanai-Tajimi spectrum for incident earthquake wave is adopted.The amplification of soil surface with different conditions are compared,results show that for the seismic wave at inclined incidence from bedrock,the response of soil reaches the maximun when the angle of incidence reachs critical incident angle;the response of soil surface decreasing with the bedrock depth and damper ratio;while there's a critical value for velocity of soil-bedrock ratio that soil response get it's maximum.For soils with non-homo-genous middle layer,the response along soil depth was explicite given in this paper and conpared with homogenous soil,the response can be weaken by it,especially soft middle layer can impede the propagation of seismic wave from bottom notably.