An adaptive adjustment approach for solving breach issues of constraints
Received:November 01, 2013  Revised:December 31, 2013
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KeyWord:constraint optimization  violated constraints  inactive constraints  an adaptive constraint bounds adjustment approach  structural topology optimization
易桂莲 北京工业大学 机械工程与应用电子技术学院, 北京
隋允康 北京工业大学 机械工程与应用电子技术学院, 北京
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      The constraint optimization aims to find optimum points that satisfy equality or inequality constraints.In some cases,one or several constraints at the "optimum points",which are obtained through solving the optimization problems,might be violated,or the maximum value among all of the constraints might be much less than the target constraint bound.In terms of these issues,this paper provided an adaptive constraint bounds adjustment approach,which was implemented in each iteration while seeking optimality.The constraint bounds of the iterative model were adjusted dynamically,and the constraint that had the maximum value among all constraints,was turned into an equality constraint.Therefore,the iterative solutions were always in feasible ranges,and no constraints were violated at the converged solution.This approach was implemented successfully on structural topology optimization of minimum weight with displacement constraints.The cases of the constraints unsatisfied before using the proposed approach were satisfied after using it and the constraint violation issues were addressed.