Analysis of supercavity cross section independent expansion principle and its applications
Received:October 29, 2012  Revised:June 08, 2013
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KeyWord:supercavity cross section independent expansion principle  disk cavitator  unsteady process  cavity form
杨洪澜 齐齐哈尔大学 机电学院, 齐齐哈尔
史文谱 烟台大学 机电汽车工程学院, 烟台
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      The law of conservation of energy is employed to interpret the supercavity cross section independent expansion principle in this paper.The formula between the cavitaty cross section area and the object relative movement velocity to water and the cavitation number are derived,Logvinovich' given formulas are further improved and expanded.And the unsteady changing processes of the posterior limited axisymmetric super cavitation length and form of the disk are studied under several kinds of unsteady conditions basing on this paper's investigations,the feasibility of the method here is illustrated through a given numerical example.In conclusions,it provides theoretical references for the design of water super-cavitation navigation body,and have important theoretical guiding significance to the related numerical calculations.