Simulation on impact attenuation capability of bi-cylinder airbags
Received:November 07, 2012  Revised:April 13, 2013
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KeyWord:bi-cylinder airbags  impact attenuation  control volume method  FEM
黄国 北京交通大学 工程力学研究所, 北京
黄海明 北京交通大学 工程力学研究所, 北京
徐晓亮 北京临近空间飞行器系统工程研究所, 北京
李玮洁 北京交通大学 工程力学研究所, 北京
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      Based on the finite element method and the control volume method,it is available to build a model for the impact attenuation of bi-cylinder.Taking the cylindrical airbag with the landing speed of 6.7m/s,the diameter of 1m and the height of 2m as an example,the landing velocity and acceleration are simulated by using the LS-DYNA software.At the same time,the effect of the elastic modulus,the venting area and the initial pressure in the airbag on the impact attenuation are also analyzed.The results show that:(1) Increasing the elastic modulus of airbag fabric will significantly improve the shock-absorbing capacity of the airbag,when the elastic modulus of airbag fabric is under 0.5GPa; however,the increasing has few effects on the improvement,when the elastic modulus of airbag fabric exceeds 0.5GPa.(2) Increasing the initial pressure of the airbag fabric will improve the shock-absorbing capacity of the airbag effectively,when the pressure is lower than the value of the venting area.