Phase-field simulation for the magnetization state and magneto-mechanical coupling effect in ferro-magnetic nano-structures
Received:November 25, 2012  Revised:January 11, 2013
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KeyWord:ferro-magnetic materials  phase-field  finite element method  magneto-mechanical coupling effect
张建伟 浙江大学 航空航天学院 应用力学研究所, 杭州
王杰 浙江大学 航空航天学院 应用力学研究所, 杭州
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      Based on the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau (TDGL) equation,a phase-field model was proposed to simulate the magneto-mechanical behavior of the ferro-magnetic materials.The finite element formulation was derived from the weak form of governing equation and then solved through a program code.Due to the applicability of the finite element method for complex boundary,the model could be used for domain simulation in samples with different shapes.The vortex magnetization configuration is obtained in ferro-magnetic nano-structures through the simulations,which is consistent with the experimental observations.The non-uniform stress and deformation of the structures caused by the non-uniform magnetization can be obtained simultaneously.The simulation results show that the magnetization configuration can be controlled effectively by changing the sample's shape,and the magnetic domain structure,as well as its magnetic value,can be changed by an external stress.