Isogeometric shell analysis and shape optimization
Received:June 30, 2012  Revised:October 28, 2012
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KeyWord:isogeometric analysis  NURBS  shells  shape optimization  sensitivity
张升刚 华中科技大学 国家CAD支撑软件工程技术研究中心, 武汉
王彦伟 华中科技大学 国家CAD支撑软件工程技术研究中心, 武汉
黄正东 华中科技大学 国家CAD支撑软件工程技术研究中心, 武汉
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      The isogeometric shell analysis is implemented based on Reissner-Mindlin theory,and then the shape optimization of 3D shells is carried out.The analytical computation method of sensitivity is presented including the analytical computational formulae of the strain-displacement matrix,the Jacobin matrix and the stiffness matrix with respect to the positions of the control points.Effectiveness of the isogeometric shell analysis and the presented analytical computation methods of sensitivity are demonstrated with numerical examples.Compared with the conventional mesh based semi-analytical method,the NURBS based analytical computational method of sensitivity is more precise and more efficient,and can avoid the mesh distortion as well.