Adomian decomposition method for solving two dimensional Helmholtz equations
Received:October 10, 2012  Revised:December 24, 2012
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KeyWord:Helmholtz equations  Adomian decomposition method  exact solutions  convergence
毛崎波 南昌航空大学 飞行器工程学院, 南昌
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      The Adomian decomposition method (ADM) is employed in this paper to solve two dimensional Helmholtz equations.Based on the ADM the Helmholtz differential equation becomes a recursive algebraic equation.Furthermore,the boundary conditions become simple algebraic equations which are suitable for symbolic computation.By using boundary conditions,the closed-form series solution can be easily obtained.The main advantages of ADM are computational simplicity and do not involve any linearization or discretization.Finally,several computed examples are presented to check the reliability of the method.Comparing the results using ADM to the exact solutions,excellent agreement is achieved.The numerical results demonstrate that the ADM is quite accurate and readily implemented.Furthermore,the good convergence and the excellent numerical stability of the solution based on the ADM can also be found.It means that the ADM is quite efficient and is practically well suited for solving two dimensional Helmholtz equations.