Optimal trajectory planning method and its application in balanced energy reconfiguration of spacecraft formation near the libration point
Received:August 17, 2012  Revised:November 17, 2012
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KeyWord:formation reconfiguration  balanced-energy  trajectory planning  Hamiltonian boundary value problem  variational principle
彭海军 大连理工大学 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室 工程力学系, 大连
高强 大连理工大学 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室 工程力学系, 大连
吴志刚 大连理工大学 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室 航空航天学院, 大连
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      Because balanced-energy spacecraft formation can increase the lifetime of the entire spacecraft formation,aiming at the optimal trajectory planning for balanced-energy reconfiguration of spacecraft formation near the libration point,a novel algorithm based on the approximation of three types of variable (state,co-state and control) is proposed for solving nonlinear optimal control problem.By employing the Lagrange interpolation of the three variables,the nonlinear optimal control problem is transformed into a system of nonlinear equations.Furthermore,the explicit form of the Jacobi matrix is derived to increase the computational efficiency of the nonlinear equations.On one hand,the proposed method satisfies the necessary condition of optimal control theory; on the other hand,no initial guesses of costate variables are required,and it also avoids the solving of a large scale nonlinear planning problem.Numerical simulations about the case of the fixed center spacecraft and the case of no center spacecraft have been discussed.The results show that the proposed method can achieve the objective of balanced-energy reconfiguration of spacecraft formation