Concurrent optimization of structural systems and sizes based on automatic grouping genetic algorithms
Received:February 05, 2012  Revised:June 23, 2013
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KeyWord:automatic grouping  genetic algorithm  structural system  optimization
刘晓峰 金风科技股份有限公司, 北京
程耿东 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室, 大连理工大学 工程力学系, 大连
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      This paper studies the choice of structural systems based on the optimization method.An optimization model involving the structural systems of frame,framed tube and mega-structure is presented.The concurrent optimization of structural systems and sizes is achieved by an automatic grouping genetic algorithm(AGGA).Three types of modules which may compose the different structures are designed specially,and each module is represented by an design variable with several sub-variables.Three assumptions of mega-members relating to the representation of design variables and the computation of inertial moment are proposed.Based on the proposed design variables and three assumptions,a minimum total weight optimization model subject to constraints of strength,stiffness,grouping and construction is obtained.The proposed optimization model together with the AGGA is used to the design optimization of three structures with 40-stories,10-stories and 6-stories respectively,and three different optimal structures,i.e.mega-structure,framed tube structure and frame structure,are obtained.