Moving-frequency algorithm of generalized eigenvetor sensitivity for defective dynamic system
Received:October 09, 2012  Revised:December 17, 2012
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KeyWord:defective system  generalized eigenvector  sensitivity analysis  moving frequency  full-mode algorithm
张淼 长春工程学院, 长春
于澜 长春工程学院, 长春
鞠伟 中国第一汽车股份有限公司, 长春
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      The difficulty of sensitivity analysis of defective system lies in the degenerate eigenspace whose eigenvectors are not orthogonal and linearly independent ones,hence the eigenspace does not possess a linearly independent basis associated with the general eigenspace.We found a set of new generalized eigenvectors associated with the Jordan eigen-equations,which can form orthogonal properties with its corresponding vectors,and introduced a technology of moving frequency.So the controlled equations of sensitivity coefficients are decoupled and the sensitivity coefficients can be obtained.The approach presented here will shed much light on the problem of sensitivity for generalized eigenvectors in all frequency domains.The algorithm is brief and rapid; its treatment is preformed easily.A numerical example is provided to illustrate the accuracy and efficiency of the algorithm.