Calculation of bottom pressure variation when ship sailing in regular waves in finite water depth by time domain Rankine source method
Received:July 23, 2012  Revised:December 24, 2012
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KeyWord:finite depth  regular waves  Rankine source panel method  time domain step method  surface wave  bottom pressure
缪涛 海军工程大学 理学院, 武汉
张志宏 海军工程大学 理学院, 武汉
刘巨斌 海军工程大学 理学院, 武汉
顾建农 海军工程大学 理学院, 武汉
王冲 海军工程大学 理学院, 武汉
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      Applying Rankine source panel method in potential flow theory and time domain step method,the bottom pressure variation when ship sailing in regular waves in finite water depth was solved.The velocity potential is decomposed to three parts:the basis flow,local flow and memory flow.The free surface and body conditions were linearized by double-body basis flow.The bottom condition was satisfied by discretizing the panels at bottom.The time domain curve of surface wave and bottom pressure of ship with different incident waves were measured by the developed measurement system.The accuracy of program was validated by comparing the calculated with experimental results.By contrasting the contour figure of surface wave and bottom pressure,the bottom presssure varies in a good agreement with surface wave,and more smoother than it.