Study on energy dissipation and vibration reduction characteristics of particle damping based on DEM
Received:November 02, 2012  Revised:April 08, 2013
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KeyWord:viscoelastic contact  impulse excitation  harmonic excitation  multi-parameter analysis  optimal fill rate
李健 东北大学 理学院, 沈阳
刘璐 东北大学 理学院, 沈阳
严颖 大连交通大学 土木与安全工程学院, 大连
黄力成 上海徐工工程机械有限公司, 上海
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      The discrete element method (DEM) is adopted to explore the effect of particle damping on vibration reduction characteristics of the system in terms of energy dissipation.In the mesoscale,models of viscoelastic contact and energy dissipation in the normal,tangent and rolling directions between grains are established.Multi-parameter analysis on energy dissipation of the response of a system under an impulse or a harmonic excitation is carried out to study energy dissipation mechanism and oscillation suppression properties of the vibrating granular medium.The results show that granules exhibit good damping capacities over a wide range of amplitudes and expend energy in the way of ladder-like periodicity.Fill rate is a primary controllable parameter concerning the damping effectiveness of granular medium and has a great effect on resonance frequency of the system.When fill rate is close to an extremum,the system produces resonance in the absence of damping or the resonance frequency of the system exceeds that of the system without particles.Granules vibrate in step with the tank and have larger amplitudes than the tank as the system resonates in optimal fill rate,keeping a constant phase difference between them.Smaller particles are in favor of enhancement of energy dissipation rate and tend toward the state of equilibrium more quickly.Coefficients of restitution and friction have great influence on the energy consumption ratio of normal to tangent.