Reactive flow Lagrangian analysis with least squares in shock to detonation transition
Received:March 29, 2012  Revised:August 21, 2012
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KeyWord:reactive flow Lagrangian analysis  SDT  least squares
陶为俊 广州大学 工程抗震研究中心,广州
浣石 广州大学 工程抗震研究中心,广州
蒋国平 广州大学 工程抗震研究中心,广州
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      The existing reactive flow Lagrangian analysis methods are still inadequate when measured the particle velocity records from a series of gauges embedded in material.Based on this point,a new reactive flow Lagrangian analysis method combined the inverse analysis with self-consistency examination is presented.The theoretical accuracy of the method met the self-consistency examination can achieve M-order partial derivatives equal to zero.Besides,the verification of the method for shock to detonation transition (SDT) is studied by a set of test data of small scale gap tests (SSGT).Compared the method,experiment and the traditional inverse analysis results,it not only reduced the accidental error of particle-line,but also makes the particle-line function to reflect the behavior of the various physical quantities along the particle-line.