A finite element analysis of the evolution of intragranular microcracks due to surface diffusion induced by stress migration
Received:March 31, 2012  Revised:August 08, 2012
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KeyWord:microcrack evolution  surface diffusion  stress migration  finite element method
张周周 南京航空航天大学 机械结构力学及控制国家重点实验室,南京
黄佩珍 南京航空航天大学 机械结构力学及控制国家重点实验室,南京
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      Based on the classical theory of surface diffusion and evaporation-condensation,a finite element program is developed for simulating the shape instability of intragranular microcracks due to surface diffusion induced by stress migration.The results show that there exists a critical value of aspect ratio βc for the intragranular microcracks under the compressive and tensile stress.When β<βc,the microcrack will directly evolve into a cylinder.When ββc,it will split into three small microcracks.The splitting time of microcrack decreases linearly with theaspect ratio increasing.As the stress increases,both the critical value of aspect ratio and the splitting time increase continuously.